Defend the drill from a hail of bullets to get as deep as you can! Enemies will become more frequent and dangerous as time goes on.

Using abilities will drain energy from the bar on the right. Fly close to the drill to recharge your energy

playing fullscreen is recommended

Controls / Tutorial:

Escape to pause game - Note will exit full screen instead of pausing on first press

There are 2 main characters to choose from


Left Click to Slash - This will deflect bullets towards the cursor,  will damage monsters in range, and will also stop laser blasts from continuing

Spacebar: to Dash - Dash in the current direction of movement, destroying any bullets or monsters in your path. Large Energy Cost


Hold Right Click to spin staff above your head - This attack will destroy any bullets or monsters it encounters, and can block lasers

Hold Left Click to Paint a defensive line on the field - The line will block bullets and lasers but will fade away in a few seconds Large Energy Cost Over Time

Hold Space  to move faster - for a slight energy cost, useful for painting longer lines quickly

Bonus Character Pong:

Hold space to move faster

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